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Piloting Your Dog's Behavior
Working through your dog's behavior requires force-free, realistic training techniques. Learn how our Piloting Method is different than other training methods that use brutal shock collars and prong collars, or gimmicks like constant treats and bribery. Based on communication, it's easy, fun, and most importantly, effective for you and your dog.

Kerry Stack
8 min read
5 Key Training Goals Every Dog Owner Should Consider
What are your dog training goals? Leash walking? Housebreaking? Something loftier? Let's focus on the most important dog training goals.

Kerry Stack
8 min read
Understanding Your Goals: A Key Step in Dog Training
Dog training starts with identifying your goals for your dog. But what happens when those goals get muddled? Disaster.
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Kerry Stack
4 min read
Dog Training Basics: The Myth of "More" in Dog & Puppy Training
Shirley's 115lb dog Jasper was a terror at the door, knocking people down and running amok. But was more dog training the answer?

Kerry Stack
6 min read
Training Your Dog to Stay Calm During Thunderstorms and Fireworks
Does your dog have anxiety during thunderstorms or fireworks? Learn how to help your dog work through their anxiety and get back to calm.

Kerry Stack
7 min read
From Chaos to Calm: A Step-by-Step Guide to Puppy Training an Overstimulated Puppy
The Witching Hour. If you have a puppy, you already know what I'm talking about. Learn how to work through your puppy's nighttime tantrum.

Kerry Stack
7 min read
Top Tips for Staying Calm While Training Your Puppy
Training a puppy can be a frustrating experience. Learn the two best tips to staying calm when working with your puppy's more unsavory beha

Kerry Stack
5 min read
Puppy Training Success: the Do's and Don'ts
You've just gotten your new puppy, and are ready to start on the journey of new dog ownership. You've read every single article online...
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Kerry Stack
4 min read
Dog Training Myth: Your Dog Wants to Please
Dog training is a gimmick. There, I've said it. Learn what I do instead of dog training to build a healthy bond with my dogs.
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Kerry Stack
7 min read
Dog Training Myth Busting: Consistency
Dog Training & Consistency: they always seem to go together. Any dog trainer will tell you how important consistency is. But is that true?

Kerry Stack
6 min read
Why I Stopped Training My Dog
I did everything the dog training books said, but I was getting nowhere. I decided dog training didn't work. But I found out what did.

Kerry Stack
9 min read
Dog Training Without Dominance: The Toxicity of Alpha-Style Training
“Beware of all those in whom the urge to punish is strong” – Friedrich Nietzsche Darwin Dogs Training - Origins Everyone always wants to...

Kerry Stack
7 min read
Basic Dog Training - Catching Your Dog's Behavior
The basics of dog training is behaviors. Learn how to catch your dog's behaviors so you can recreate them on command.

Kerry Stack
6 min read
Training Cornerstone: Failing Your Dog by Failing Yourself
By failing to see that I was physically in no condition to train a dog, I was failing in the very principles I guide my dogs by.
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Kerry Stack
6 min read
How to Avoid Dog Training Failures in 6 Easy Steps
You've been working so hard at dog training, but why isn't it working for you? Learn how to avoid common behaviors that end in failure.

Kerry Stack
6 min read
Six Tips for Training Your Dog Using Positive Reinforcement
Positive dog training. But what exactly does "positive" mean? Learn how to work positives into your training correctly.

Kerry Stack
11 min read
Training a Puppy Mill Survivor
Training a dog should be based on trust. But what if that trust has been broken by humans. Learn how to help a scared dog trust again.

Kerry Stack
6 min read
The PAW Method: Dog Training Foundations
Are you training your dog in the most effective way? Learn about how the PAW Method takes the guesswork out of dog behavior.

Kerry Stack
6 min read
Dog Training vs. Communicating with Your Dog
You've Googled, done dog training regimes classes? So why isn't it working? Learn why training is ineffective, and what you need instead.

Kerry Stack
7 min read
The Dog Trainer's Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving
Put on your stretchy pants and pass the pumpkin pie. It's time for Thanksgiving! Whether you're hosting or visiting, there's always a...
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Kerry Stack
10 min read
Dog Training: 5 Reasons it’s Not Working
Spending a lot of time trying to train your dog, but not getting very far? Let’s take a look at the top reasons why so much effort is...
Blog: Blog2
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