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Doesn't your dog deserve to be the
Best Dog Ever?
Dog training, differently
No shock collars. No prong collars.
•Positive Dog Training Methods
Say goodbye to old fashioned, harsh training tactics. Positive methods based on communication and understanding, not domination tactics. Simple methods for frustration free dog training.
• Customized Dog Training Plans
Each dog/owner bond is unique and requires different approaches to training. That's why we work with both you and your dog to create a customized training plan tailored to your needs and personalities.
• Our Guarantee
We're confident in our methods and guarantee results.
Transform Your Dog. Guaranteed.
I’ve only had one session with Kerry and there is already an insane difference. I’m understanding him and he’s understanding me. I couldn’t be more grateful and I’m so excited to see even more progress as we continue. And she makes it SO EASY!! She has you work smarter, not harder.
Jordan F.,
Cleveland, OH
I chose Darwin Dogs and working with Kerry because more obedience training (in the traditional sense) has done very little to help with my dog’s social anxiety. Kerry’s system helped me reframe how I view and interpret my dog’s behavior, and conversely helped me understand how my body language is informing my dog’s actions.
Importantly, this has required consistency, but not in an unrealistic way that requires my dog and I to have a robotic relationship with military discipline to sustain that success.
Fairview Park, OH
What a game changer this has been for our new family member, Cash. I was looking for a humane way to work with him and Kerry's method of Piloting has far exceeded our expectations. Kerry has really and simply "trained" us how to communicate with our dog. Before working with Kerry, we were on over our head; watching YouTube videos unsure of what was right or wrong. Kerry breaks it down into three simple rules and once you learn and commit to the mantra the rest follows. It is work, but nothing feels better than gaining your dogs trust and confidence in a way they understand. No need to use prong or shock collar, Piloting has got us the same outcome but better because he does not fear us. Happy to have found Darwin Dogs!
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