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A Bit About Darwin Dogs

“A big business starts small.” -Richard Branson

EDIT: I originally posted this in the summer of 2019. Since then, we have all been enduring a crisis unlike any other most of us have ever experienced. We've come together as a society in ways I never thought I'd see again. And just as we've seen some businesses really come through to help us through this catastrophe, we've seen some absolutely disgusting business practices. Times are tough; it's imperative we become more cognizant of who we are supporting through our consumerism.

Darwin Dogs. What is it? Who am I? Where did I come from? More importantly, what do I represent with my business? Out of those four questions, I would estimate 99% of the time, only the first is ever asked by my potential clients. But let’s remember, businesses are builders of our society.  Like or it or not, businesses and business owners have a great impact on not only services and commodities that are available, but can change laws or lobby against new ones (cough cough*PICK OF THE LITTER* cough).

For instance, Darwin Dogs (me, Kerry Stack), well, I’m against animal abuse in general, and puppy mills as an instance (not shocking).  I have plenty of info on how I am using my influence and followers to try to shut down puppy mills, so it’s pretty easy to discover that.  It’s obviously nothing that I’m hiding. But what about other things that I may represent, or lobby for or against?  No two people will ever align 100% with their thoughts and ideas, nor will two political agendas or moral codes.  Hell, my husband and I can’t agree on what restaurant to eat at most of the time, and I love him to pieces!

As responsible consumers, it is our job to know where we are spending our money, and what we are spending it on.  No, I’m not referring to which bottle of shampoo from Target, nor am I referring to what specific burger from McDonalds.  What I’m referring to is the fact that you are giving businesses money: who does Target support? Who does McDonalds lobby against?

It’s a lot easier to just walk into a store, or hire a plumber, without knowing or caring what’s being supported.  For instance, would you feel the same way if the mom and pop bakery that you buy doughnuts from every week sends a check every other week to the NRA? And one to Planned Parenthood every alternate week? For some people, that doesn’t matter,and they’ll buy the doughnuts anyway.  For others, one of those checks is going to rub them the wrong way enough to find another doughnut shop.

Business owners are in a position unlike any other career:  we have the ability to take your money and apply it to what aligns with our goals and aspirations.  For me, that includes saving for my children’s futures (estimable goal, in my opinion).  Obviously a lot of my income through my business goes towards basic living expenses.  But what else?  Have you ever wondered what you are supporting?  Have you ever asked other businesses who/what they support?  Maybe it’s time. It’s your money, don’t let it be spent against your wishes.

So in the interest of transparency, let me set the record straight about Darwin Dogs as a business, and myself as an individual.  Some of these things you may applaud.  Some of these things may cause you to unfollow Darwin Dogs.  Some may make you furious.  But it’s time for us all to be self-aware enough to know where our money is going after we swipe our credit cards or fork over cash.  Here we go:

1) I believe that every animal deserves a chance at having a good home, and having the best life they possibly can. Therefore,  I support Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter, City Dogs,  and numerous shelters and local rescues, as well as the Animal Welfare Institute.

2) I think that people are the greatest resource to enriching and bettering the lives of all animals (including other humans).  Healthier, happier humans make more healthy, happy humans. Therefore I heavily support the efforts of Heifer International.

3) I believe that Stevie Ray Vaughn’s version of Little Wing is better than the Jimmi Hendrix version.  (I know I lost a few of you there.)

4) I believe that we are all created equal, and we should all have the same certain, unalienable rights regardless of age, race, gender or country of origin.  Therefore I am a proud supporter of the ACLU, and The Innocence Project.

5) I believe in caring for our sick, and sustaining our health so I support Planned Parenthood Federation of AmericaElizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the Trevor Project.

6) I believe that the 10th Doctor will always be the best.

7) I believe humans are capable of great things when we stop finding our differences to be scary, but something to cherish and learn from, a melting pot.

8) I think Trump plays to the basest among us, and it makes me ashamed, because I know we are better than that. Therefore I attend rallies against caging children, ICE, limiting women’s rights, and (especially) hate groups.

9) I think PETA is bullying and extremism disguised as animal welfare.

10) I think we’re all so much more amazing than we give ourselves credit for.

11)  Picard.  Always Picard.  No contest.

So yeah, perhaps I’m a little Liberal.  Perhaps we don’t mesh 100%.  But I want you to know who I am, what supporting small businesses actually does for our economy.  I mostly wanted to write this because a past client sent me a PM a few weeks ago stating that he never would have hired me if he knew I was against Trump.  Never mind the fact that in two hours I worked miracles with his dog.  Never mind that he had referred me to six other clients.  He took it all back based on my moral abhorrence of Trump’s policies.

And he was right.

Listen, I’m not here to change his mind about Trump.  I’m free to attend my protests, and he’s free to attend his.  Just as I haven’t eaten at Chick Fil A in years because of my beliefs, he’s allowed to boycott Darwin Dogs because of what I support through my company.  And I know at least a few of you have lost some respect for me based exclusively on my dis of Hendrix (props on Watchtower, though.  Best. Guitar. Ever). But hopefully I’ve made you think a little.

Beard Rank:  Joel >Riker Most of you are on this page because of animal rights, or you’re animal lovers, or just don’t know WTF is going on with your crazy diva-dog. (Hint:  Try Piloting.) But all of us are capable of learning more and doing better. Because as Maya Angelou said, “When you know better, you do better.”  Let’s all do just a little bit better at making our society a reflection of our morals rather than of just our wallets.

Kerry Stack

Darwin Dogs

Dog Training, Differently

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Dec 07, 2022

I will give you David Tennant regarding the 21st century Doctors, but Tom Baker totally rules if you count the first run.


May 08, 2021

Wait, you call yourself “Darwin dogs” but then deny the fundamental scientific premises guiding canine cognition? Treats and clickers aren’t “gimmicks,” their use based on scientific evidence. But i guess claims like that are to be expected from someone without any valid credentials or certifications from even one reputable canine behaviour organizations.

Kerry Stack
Kerry Stack
Aug 30, 2021
Replying to

Hi! I was going to write you a tart response, but I then I realized that you deserved an entire post. Thank you!

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