Basic dog commands (or training your dog to specific words) is definitely a useful (mandatory?) skill that amplifies the dog/owner bond and relationship. But which commands are necessary? And which ones can you skip?
Find out which basic commands I teach my dogs, which ones are merely helpful, and what types of dog training I find as useless as tits on the Batman costume. #IYKYK
So strap on your Batsuit and let's dive into the basic dog commands your dog needs to know, and what you can skip.

#1 - Teaching Your Dog Recall/Come Command
Last week I let my two dogs, Hazel and Arwen, outside as usual. Unbeknownst to me, there was a huge buck in our backyard. Hellbent for leather, my dogs went charging off after him, causing the buck to stand ground and advance, as if he didn't know he was actually made of dog food.
My dogs continued to engage with him in an aggressive fashion, trying to drive him out of our yard.
Since plenty of dogs get mauled (or worse) by deer in northeast Ohio every year, I immediately called my dogs in immediately, and...
they disengaged immediately and came running back into the house.
This was a huge victory for two major reasons.
First, because it was early thing in the morning, and they hadn't even had a chance to relieve themselves yet. Secondly, well, deer!
So what was the trick to getting my dogs to come when I called them during an emergency?
Piloting. Learn more about it here, but think of Piloting your dog like parenting your children.
In other words, there is no magic word to get your dog to come when you call them reliably, and shock collars and e-collars don't teach your dog recall (more on that here).
Learn how to teach your dog to come when you call them in this article.
Tip: When you call your dog, make sure you’re ready to follow through. If you’re not in a position to actually do something about their behavior, it’s totally okay to skip calling them.
Remember, just hoping or wishing your dog will come when you call isn’t a solid plan. As I'm fond of saying, if wishes were pigs, bacon would be free.
#2 Train Your Dog To Stay in Place
As I work with my client's dogs during training sessions, I have to impart the distinction between dog training vs. dog behavior. Giving a dog a gentle negative falls within the distinction of dog behavior (ie., negating your dog's interest in bolting out the door). However, training your dog to stay is, well, dog training (ie., training your dog not to move from a specific spot when you open the front door).
You can learn more about the nuances between dog training and dog behavior here.
The nuance is in one instance, you don't care where your dog goes, so long as it's not near the front door. In the second instance, all choices for your dog are eliminated except staying in one place.
Why do I bring this up? Well, obviously it's easier to simply keep your dog away from the door, rather than have them staying in one spot.
But a reliable stay command is important for your dog in situations such as vet visits, entering and exiting vehicles, and life in general.
TIP: Don't have your dog stay, and then call them to reward them. You just rewarded them for moving, when the object is catch your dog not moving from their place. Learn how to do it successfully here.
#3 - Training Your Dog to Sit on Command
Ever notice how sometimes your dog will randomly sit when you bring out their favorite treat, or before you pet them? That's a dog's way of saying "please" and is actually very useful to teach them to do on command simply because it helps them focus on impulse control.
The random sitting is actually a throwback to their puppy days. Staring is considered not only rude, but aggressive. But how do young dogs and puppies learn? By watching and engaging heavily.
To ensure that this action is not taken as an aggressive act by other dogs, young dogs and puppies will sit (and whip out the peace sign of dog world: head tilts).
So sitting is a precursor to intent focus and an attempt impulse control. That makes it the perfect command to start any transitions that might be high energy, such as putting on a leash, giving food, or allowing guests to enter your house.
#4 - Teaching Your Dog "No"
Okay, a bit of backstory on this one.
Giving your dog a negative actually falls into dog behavior. Dogs give each other negatives all the time, so it's something your dog is already wired to understand.
However, dogs give each other negatives in a very specific way, and one that does not involve the use of words.
So when people go on about how they are telling their dog "no", and the dog won't listen, it's not too surprising. There's literally no action to back that word up. Your dog has put you on the pay-no-mind list because there's no follow-through.
Or even worse, if there is a follow-through, it involves punitive measures, such as e-collars or hitting your dog (just...don't).
Your dog needs to be trained that a specific word ("no") means negative. Verbal negatives mean nothing to an animal who doesn't communicate using words. Learn how to give a gentle, but effective negative to your dog in this our free guide to dog training.
Tip #5 - Basic Dog Commands that I Skip
My dogs don't know how to lay (lie?) down on command. Arwen actually picked it up on her own but if I tell Hazel to lie (lay?) down, well,

Honestly, I never found a use for a down command, so I never taught it to my dogs. They also don't know how to give paw, or quite a few of the other tricks that dogs know, simply because it didn't pass the two-part test:
Is it necessary and or is it fun?

Just some of the commands my dogs do know are "back up", "place" & "load-up", which means get in the truck.
Pro-tip: don't give the "load-up" command to a Border Collie when you've accidentally forgotten you've walked to the park instead of driven.
Yes, she ran full speed the 2 blocks home and was waiting by the truck because she's a very good girl.
Final Thought on Basic Dog Commands
Regardless of what you think your dog needs to know, one thing is important: your dog is trying. Your dog isn't being stubborn. Your dog isn't being spiteful. Your dog is doing the best they can as a dog in a human world.

All training of any kind needs to start with empathy. Understand that stubbornness is just determination in the opposite direction. By helping to guide and shape your dog's behaviors, rather than dominating them, you are building a relationship with your dog based on trust.
Afterall, basic commands are the ability for your dog to forego what their instincts are telling them to do in lieu of what you are telling them to do. That requires a lot of trust.
Struggling With Training Your Dog?
By concentrating on a dog behavior through communication rather than merely dog training, our objectives become much clearer and more achievable.
Most of us aren't looking for a completely obedient dog; we just don't want a disobedient one. Dogs that behave like robots, afraid to make mistakes, suit certain people, but that's not my style.
That's why I created the Piloting method of dog training over 20 years ago. It's a force-free technique for training dogs and puppies that avoids using harsh shock or prong collars, and doesn't rely on constant click-and-treat methods. I aim for a bond with my dog built on trust and communication, not domination or bribery.
Discover more about our Piloting method for training dogs and puppies with our in-home dog training and behavioral packages. Outside the Greater Cleveland Area? Check out our virtual coaching packages.

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